AntiCig Aromatherapy: A healthier alternative to vaping

Vaping used to be known as a good practice for those trying to quit smoking but lately more research and horror stories have been coming out showing that vaping is not as healthy as initially thought.

Have you heard a story of a teenager who died as a result of lung illness caused by vaping? And this is not a single incident which puts vaping in a bad light. There are many more people who’ve been affected by the negative effects of vaping and this serves as a warning to anyone who is already doing it, thinking it’s better than smoking. If you are one of them, don’t do it, don’t risk your health! Instead, you could try a much healthier alternative to vaping (and smoking) which comes with no negative health effects – let me introduce you to AntiCig aromatherapy, its benefits and why you should give it a try.


What is AntiCig aromatherapy?

AntiCig aromatherapy is a bit like vaping but it’s totally harmless and 100% natural. AntiCig vaporisers contain a blend of Morrocan essential oils which come with specific health benefits. You won’t find any nicotine, tar or harmful chemicals in these vaporisers and the ingredients used are totally non-addictive. These smoke-free devices produce only pure & natural aromatherapy vapours and are much healthier than common e-cigarettes.

The AntiCig device is one of its kind and it’s actually the world’s first CE & ROHS certified on-the-go aromatherapy vapouriser device.

Apart from standard AntiCig vaporisers, the brand also offers vitamin vaporisers which are flavoured (Orange & Mint, Blackcurrant) and contain vitamins C, D and B. These vitamin vaporisers promote good health, recovery and energy.

If you are trying to quit smoking or looking for a healthier alternative to vaping, AntiCig aromatherapy is one of the best things you could try to get rid of your bad habits.

Benefits of AntiCig aromatherapy

Depending on what you would like to achieve with AntiCig aromatherapy, there is a variety of flavours/blends for you to try. Each blend comes with its specific benefits. Just to mention a few:


This blend is perfect for when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, nervous or anxious.

It has antioxidant properties coming from Pink Rose, Lychee and Blueberry which will strengthen your immune system and counteract ageing.

Honeysuckle will help to reduce the stress and detoxify your body while Poria and Albizia will help to fight insomnia and sleepnesses. Albizia also has a calming effect and improves mood.

Many of the ingredients in this blend are anti-carcinogenic and have a positive effect on the digestive system as well.


You should try Energise when you are low on energy and need a bit of boost to help you think better and be more alert.

Red Grape will help to reduce your fatigue and offer relief from migraine while American Ginseng will boost your cognitive abilities, but also reduce fatigue and lower recurrence of symptoms.

Many of the ingredients found in this blend have immune-boosting properties, are anti-inflammatory and some (wolfberry) promote healthy skin and healthy eyes.

There is caffeine added to this blend which will quickly boost your energy, improve your memory and a sense of wellbeing.


If you struggle to sleep, the Sleep blend will help you relax due to anxiety and stress and mildly sedate you to enable you to go to sleep quicker.

The essential oils used in this blend have been chosen due to their stress-relieving and calming properties and all together they help to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. White Vanilla also helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and relaxes blood vessels, just to mention some of its many health benefits.

Dates, Acacia and Polygala are all anti-inflammatory, helping to protect important body organs and manage body fat.

Many of the ingredients in the ‘Sleep’ blend also help to promote a healthy digestive system.

In addition to the AntiCig blends above, you can also choose ‘Recover’, ‘Arouse’ and ‘Diet’, each offering their unique properties.

Why you should try AntiCig aromatherapy? – Summary

In summary, AntiCig aromatherapy is 100% natural, 100% safe and offers many health benefits. Here are the main reasons why you should give it a go:

  • if you are trying to quit smoking or vaping
  • to improve your general wellbeing
  • to reduce stress & anxiety
  • to improve your energy

Just to stress, this shouldn’t be compared to typical vaping as it’s nothing like it – it’s smoke-free and non-addictive. Anyone can try AntiCig aromatherapy, not only those who are trying to quit smoking. To buy one of the AntiCig vaporisers go to this page > (Use a discount code behealthynow5 to get 5% off).

To learn more about AntiCig aromatherapy, follow the brand on Instagram here >

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