5 Ways Alcohol Impacts Your Fitness Routine

Despite being dedicated acolytes of Dry January, many of us need both a rhyme and a reason to keep going when it comes to being on the wagon – especially after a festive season during which many drinks were consumed. For today, let it be this: avoiding alcohol is unequivocally a good thing when it comes to your health and allows your body to reap the rewards of each workout you do. Ditch the booze and you’ll notice better performance and a more enjoyable workout all round.

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Here, the nutritionist Caroline Wilson at health and nutrition brand Kitchenistic, divulges the five ways in which alcohol affects our workouts:

Dehydration stations

When the skin is akin to the Sahara, you know that last night’s mojitos have had their wicked way with you. “Alcohol is a diuretic and drains moisture from the body,” says Wilson, adding that 90 per cent of hangover symptoms present as a direct result of dehydration. Water is key for keeping our bodies in healthy working order – that’s not breaking news – but it also helps to regulate its temperature, which can make exercise tricky if we are dehydrated.

“If alcohol is in your system, your heart rate will increase faster than usual and your body’s temperature will significantly rise, making exercise uncomfortable. You’ll also sweat more than you’re used to which will dehydrate your body further,” points out Wilson. If you are drinking, try and alternate your alcoholic drink with a glass of water, which won’t stop dehydration but will help to ease it.

Muscle fatigue

The culprit behind cramp, lactic acid, builds up when we drink alcohol which means that we’re far more likely to experience some more painful moments during our workouts when hungover. “Other inevitabilities are muscle fatigue and a lack of growth hormones, which are vital for both building muscle and repairing it,” says Wilson. “If you consistently drink, your recovery time post-workout will be a long one and it will be very difficult to build muscle in general.”

Sugar spikes

“Alcohol is often laden with sugar and when a foodstuff contains such a high glycaemic load, it rapidly turns into glucose once fully digested,” says Wilson. This sudden spike means the body suffers inflammation, which can lead to water retention, bloating and fatigue as it drops again – none of which make way for an easy workout session. “My recommendation is to avoid wines, cocktails or drinks with syrups if you’re planning to exercise in the days after drinking – they are full of sugar and will greatly affect your workout.”

A reduced metabolism

Thanks to the stress alcohol causes the digestive system, the stomach and intestines become lazy: “As digestive secretions slack, the rate at which the body absorbs essential nutrients also decreases, which causes the metabolism to slow.” Wilson recommends opting for food high in nutrients (such as nuts and dark green vegetables) pre-alcohol, to help the digestive system function at its best – it will help limit the effects on the metabolism.

Unhealthy cravings

The next day after a few drinks often comes with a barrage of cravings for fatty foods, hence the UK’s well-known national appreciation for the fried breakfast. “Alcohol encourages a chemical in the brain called galanin to surge, which causes us to crave foods that are rich in fats.” That feeling of sluggishness and a diet devoid of nutrients means our bodies aren’t fuelled in the right way, and exercise will be tough.

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